Home > 1.1 Universal suffrage > LITHUANIA - Law on Elections to the Seimas
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Article 2

Universal Suffrage

1. Citizens of the Republic of Lithuania who, on the election day, are 18 years of age shall have the right to vote. Citizens who have been declared legally incompetent by the court shall not participate in elections.

2. Any citizen of the Republic of Lithuania who is not under allegiance to a foreign state and is at least 25 years of age on the election day, and who permanently resides in Lithuania may stand for election as a member of the Seimas. A citizen of the Republic of Lithuania shall be considered to be a permanent resident of the Republic of Lithuania, whose data about a place of residence are entered into the Residents’ Register of the Republic of Lithuania, or a citizen who, under the Civil Code, is recognised as having a permanent place of residence in the Republic of Lithuania.

3. Persons who, with 65 days remaining before elections, have not yet served their sentence imposed by the court, as well as persons who have been declared legally incompetent and incapable by the court may not stand for election as members of the Seimas.

4. Judges during their term of office, persons who on the election day are in the active or alternative military service, also servicemen of professional military service who, with 65 days remaining before elections, have not retired from the service, or officials of statutory institutions and establishments, or persons, who may not participate in activities of political parties according to special laws or statutes, may not stand for election as members of the Seimas.

5. A person who has been removed from office or his mandate of Seimas member has been revoked by the Seimas in accordance with impeachment proceedings may not be elected Seimas member, provided that less than four years have elapsed from the entry into force of the decision to remove from office or to revoke the mandate of Seimas member.

6. Other direct or indirect abridgements of suffrage of the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania on the grounds of their origin, political convictions, social or property status, nationality, sex, education, language, religion, or the type or character of their occupation shall be prohibited.