Home > 2.1.1 Electoral commissions > TÜRKIYE - Law on Basic Provisions of Elections and Voter Registers
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Article 22

Election of president of ballot box committee:

 (Change: 17/5/1979 - 2234/1 art.)

 President of District Election Board, by negotiating with permanent members other than members coming from political parties, prepares a list, one for each ballot among the voters within or without the borders of precinct who have good reputation and are literate. 

 Each of the members of the board assigned by political parties also prepare a list within the period determined by president of District Election Board and deliver these lists to presidency. Any representative of political parties who do not deliver the list within determined time is considered as waived from this right. 

 The president of the ballot box committee by drawing lot among the proposed candidates for each of the ballots for the lists prepared in line with principles defined in previous clauses. 

 According to 648 numbered Law on Political Parties, individuals who are not allowed to be member to political parties and mukhtars can not be presidents of boards. 

 In case of absence of president of board, the eldest member of the board performs presidency.