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Article 21

Remuneration of Election Commission Members

1. Chairpersons, deputy chairpersons, members and secretaries of election Commissions shall be paid salaries for their work in election Commissions in accordance with the rates submitted by the CEC and approved by the Government.

2. Chairpersons, deputy chairpersons, members and secretaries of election Commissions shall be paid for their work in election Commissions against actual time sheets, within the limits allocated to an appropriate election Commission for remuneration. The CEC shall establish the procedure for filling in time sheets in election Commissions. The chairperson of an appropriate election Commission shall be responsible for the accuracy of the time sheets. Limitation on the working time defined in the Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania shall not be applied to work in election Commissions.

3. The procedure for imposing incentive measures to chairpersons, deputy chairpersons and members of election Commissions shall be approved by the Government on the recommendation of the CEC.