Home > 1.3.2 Freedom of voters to express their wishes > LITHUANIA - Law on Presidential Elections
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Article 63

Voting in Penitentiary Institutions

1. Voters who serve an arrest or custodial sentence shall be entitled to vote in an institution they serve a sentence.

2. A MEC shall, not later than 15 days prior to election day and on the recommendation of the heads of penitentiary institutions, draw up a list of special post offices and, on the recommendation of the head of the post office, set such working hours of the special post offices that the days of voting in them would be in compliance with Article 57(1) of this Law.

3. The heads of penitentiary institutions shall draw up a list of voters voting in special post offices. The following must be indicated in this list of voters voting in a special post office: the voter’s name and surname, personal number, whether or not the voter has a Voter card. The head of a penitentiary institution shall transfer a list of voters voting in a special post office to a MEC, receive Voter cards from it or print them on the basis of the data received electronically and ensure the delivery of Voter cards to voters before the voting, allocate premises suitable for voting, and be responsible for voters being notified about the working place and time of the special post office as well as facilitating the access of voters to the special post office.

4. The Article 57 of this Law shall apply to voting in penitentiary institutions.

5. This Article and Article 57 of this Law shall apply to voting in arrest houses, remand prisons (detention facilities).

6. It shall be prohibited to exert influence on determination of a voter voting in an arrest house, a remand prison (detention facilities) or a penitentiary institution, or to rush him to vote.