Home > 2.1.1 Electoral commissions > UKRAINE - Law on Elections of the People's Deputies
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Article 39.

Procedure for Compiling Preliminary Voter Lists for Regular Election Precincts

1. The State Voter Register maintenance bodies shall compile preliminary voter lists for regular election precincts in accordance with the Law on the State Voter Register. Preliminary voter lists for regular election precincts shall be compiled in accordance with the procedures approved by the Central Election Commission.

2. A preliminary voter list for a regular election precinct shall include the citizens of Ukraine who have reached or, as of the day of voting, will have reached eighteen years of age and whose voting address is within the precinct in accordance with the data of the State Voter Register. A voter shall be included in a preliminary voter list only in one election precinct.

3. A preliminary voter list shall contain the last name, first name (all the first names), patronymic (if any) of the voter, his or her date of birth, and election address of according to the data of the State Voter Register. Voters shall be included in a preliminary voter list so that information on the voters having the same address shall be grouped. A list shall have continuous numbering of the voters and continuous numbering of the pages. The form of a preliminary voter list shall be approved by the Central Election Commission in accordance with the requirements of this Law.

4. If a voter whose place of voting has temporarily changed is included in a preliminary voter list, the column “Notes” shall contain, next to his or her name, the number and date of issuance of the document confirming his or her temporary change of the place of voting, as well as the name of the State Voter Register maintenance body that issued the document; if the voter’s place of voting is located outside the respective single-mandate district, a note shall be entered for the voter to receive only the ballot for voting in the nationwide election district. {Paragraph 1 Part 4 Article 39 as amended pursuant to the Law№ 709-VII dd. 21.11.2013} The column “Notes” of a preliminary voter list shall contain a note identifying voters with permanent inability to move without assistance.

5. No later than twenty days prior to the day of voting, the State Voter Register maintenance body shall, in the office where it is located, transfer one paper copy of the preliminary voter lists to the relevant precinct election commission. On behalf of the precinct election commission, a preliminary voter list shall be received by at least three members of this commission, one of whom shall be the head of the commission or, if he or she is not available, the deputy head or the secretary of the commission. The delivery of the preliminary voter list shall be entered in a report, which shall be produced in two copies in accordance with the form approved by the Central Election Commission. One copy of the report shall be stored at the State Voter Register maintenance body and the other at the precinct election commission.

6. A second copy of the preliminary voter list shall be stored at the State Voter Register maintenance body. 7. When the election of MPs is held simultaneously with local elections or a referendum, the procedure for compiling, correcting and amending the voter lists shall be determined by the Central Election Commission. CDL-REF(2016)040 {Part 7 was added to Article 39 pursuant to the Law № 1184-VII dd. 08.04.2014}