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Article 81

(1) Within twenty-four hours of the publication of the Writ for the election of members to the House, the Commission shall form a sub-committee consisting of a Commissioner, who shall act as chairperson, and a representative of each of the political parties and shall delegate to the sub-committee the running of the election in all retirement homes and hospitals.

(2) The sub-committee shall have the duty to ensure that no undue pressure is brought to bear on voters in old age homes and hospitals, that proper and adequate facilities are given to all political parties to canvass such voters, that adequate arrangements for voting are made in view of the special needs of such voters and that no political party enjoys any unfair advantage.

(3) Without prejudice to the generality of the above provisions, the sub-committee shall ensure that:

(a) immediate steps are taken to temporarily remove and substitute members of staff gravely suspected to have attempted to influence voters;

(b) arrangements are made for the receipt and proper delivery of propaganda material and for canvassing during visiting hours by candidates and political parties contesting that electoral division;

(c) complaints by political parties and, or, candidates are speedily investigated and rectified when found to be justified.