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Article 118

Return of election expenses

1. Under the head of receipts there shall be shown the name and description of every person (including the candidate), club, society or association from whom any money, security, or equivalent of money was received in respect of expenses incurred on account of or in connection with or incidental to the election, and the amount received from each person, club, society or association separately.

2. Under the head of expenditure there shall be shown:

a) the personal expenses of the candidate incurred or paid by him or his election agent;

b) the name, the rate, and total amount of the pay of each person employed as an agent (including the election agent), clerk or messenger;

c) the travelling expenses and any other expenses incurred by the candidate or his election agent on account of agents (including the election agent), clerks or messengers;

d) the travelling expenses of persons, whether in receipt of a salary or not, incurred in connection with the candidature and whether paid or incurred

by the candidate, his election agent, or the person so travelling;

e) the cost whether paid or incurred, of:

i) printing;

ii) advertising;

iii) stationery;

iv) postage;

v) telegrams;

vi) rooms hired either for public meetings or as committee rooms;

f) any other miscellaneous expenses, whether paid or incurred.


1) All expenses incurred in connection with the candidature whether paid by the candidate, his election agent or any other persons, or remaining unpaid on the date of the return, are to be set out.

2) For all items over fifty-eight cents (0.58) unless from the nature of the case (e.g. postage) a receipt is not obtainable; vouchers have to be attached.

3) All sums paid out, but for which no receipt is attached, are to be set out in detail with dates of payments.

4) All sums unpaid are to be set out in a separate list.