Home > 4.4 Departmental/provincial elections > TÜRKIYE - Law on Elections of Local Administrations and Neighborhood Mukhtars and Board of Elderman
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Article 10

In line with the conditions defined in Constitution and Laws, every citizen eligible to be elected, may run for candidacy for membership of provincial council membership, mayor  and member of municipal council either from a political party or independently. 

            1.1.3/  2.1/  2.1.1/  4.4/  4.5/ 4.5.1/  6/  6.3/  (Change : 31/3/1988 - 3420/8.art.) Determination of candidates in local administration elections are undertaken in competence with the provisions of Article 37 of 2820 numbered Political Parties Code. 

 But; instead of “Supreme Election Council” mentioned in articles 37 to 51 “District Election Boards”, instead of “headquarters of political party”, “district presidencies of political party”, and in metropolitan municipalities, Provincial Election Boards, headquarters of political parties undertake these transactions. 


a)       (Change : 31/3/1988 - 3420/8.art.) In the candidate determination, one candidate for mayor, for membership of municipal councils, determined numbers of original and reserve members separately, for membership of provincial councils, numbers of original and reserve members for such electoral zone, are determined separately.  

Candidates are separately determined for membership of provincial council as original and reserve candidates.

b)       Pre selection zone is town for membership of municipal council and mayor; district for membership of provincial council and mayor for metropolitan municipality, the borders of such city.  

c)       (Repealed : 31/3/1988 - 3420/8 art; Addendum: 7/8/1988 - 3469/2 art; Change : 7/12/1988- 3507/2 art.) Political parties, nominate one in towns which have 9 and 11 municipal council members, two in towns which have 15, three in towns which have 25 and 31, four in towns which have 37, five in towns which have 45, six in towns which have 55 quota candidates. Quota candidates are not included into the candidate for nomination sequence and written in candidate lists additionally as quota candidates. Political parties determine their quota candidates by method of central survey. But central boards may assign these authorities to provincial or district administration boards. Political parties inform District Election Boards by adding quota candidates to candidates lists prepared in competence with article 12 of this Law. Quota candidates are written after the reserve candidates in the lists defined in second sub clause of (f) clause of Article 18 of this Law. 

d)       (Addendum : 7/8/1988 - 3469/2 art.) In case of determining candidates with primary election, mayor and member of municipal council candidates for nomination may attend primary elections with common list. In such case, electors of parties may exercise their voting rights either by approving such list as a whole, or by drawing the candidates and writing other candidates instead or by marking the candidates in the candidate lists defined in Article 46 of 2820 numbered Political Parties Code. Political parties present District Election Boards jointly prepared candidate nominations lists along with candidate nominations lists defined in article 46 of 2820 numbered Political Parties Code. 

e)       (Addendum: 7/12/1988 - 3507/2 art.) Political parties that will attend elections notify Supreme Election Council in which principles and methods they will determine candidates. 

 In case a political party does not have an organization in an electoral zone and thus may not exercise primary elections, central management and administration of political parties determine the candidates and sequence of candidates. 


 In local administrations elections, an application fee with the amount determined by related authorities of political parties from the candidates. This amount may not exceed the gross wage of a public servant with the highest ranking. Provisions in article 41 and 2nd clause of Article 21 of 2839 numbered Parliamentary Elections Code are proportionally implemented for independent candidates for office of mayor. At the end of elections, the advance returned to candidate who has been elected as mayor without considering the number of votes.