Home > 6.1 Names and logos > MALTA - Act to Regulate the Formation, the Structures, Functioning and Financing of Political Parties and their Participation in Elections
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Article 8

(1) Political parties shall enjoy a legal personality and the right to sue and be sued. Political parties shall also have all the rights of free expression which are competent to individual according to the Constitution.

(2) Political parties shall have a written statute and the statute shall contain provisions on:

(a) the political party's name and any short form used and its objectives;

(b) members joining and leaving the political party;

(c) the rights and duties of its members;

(d) permissible sanctions against members, and their exclusion from the political party; and

(e) the political party’s general structure and the officials which the party shall have.

(3) Political parties shall send a copy of their statute to the Electoral Commission and they shall also keep that statute updated with amendments which are made to the statute from time to time which shall also be sent to the Electoral Commission within one month from when they are enacted and the Commission shall render that statute and amendments available to the public.

(4) The names of officials of political parties shall be public.