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Article 83.

Premises for Voting

1. Voting shall be held in a specially allocated and equipped premises with voting booths for secret voting and places designated for handover of the ballot papers and for placement of the ballot boxes. Each election precinct shall have one premises for voting. The precinct election commission shall control the outfitting of the premises for voting.

2. The executive bodies of the village, town, city (in cities with no district councils), and city district councils, or bodies (officials) exercising their powers in accordance with the law, shall provide regular election precincts with the necessary premises for voting which can be equipped in accordance with the requirements of this Law and the standards approved by the Central Election Commission, as well as technical assistance in equipping them. The heads of the institutions, establishments, Ukraine’s polar station, and the captains of ships at which special election precincts were established shall provide the special election precincts with the necessary premises for voting which can be appropriately equipped, having regard to the standards approved by the Central Election Commission. The heads of Ukraine’s foreign diplomatic institutions and military units (commands) deployed outside Ukraine at which foreign election district have been established shall provide the foreign election district with the necessary premises for voting which can be appropriately equipped in accordance with the standards approved by the Central Election Commission.

3. The premises for voting in a small election precinct shall have an area of no less than 50 square meters; the premises for voting in a medium election precinct shall have an area of no less than 75 square meters; and the premises for voting in a large election precinct shall have an area of no less than 90 square meters. In the absence of premises with the required area within a regular, special, or foreignelection precinct, the premises for voting at the respective election precinct may have an area smaller than the one required by the standards established by the Central Election Commission.

4. The equipment in the premises for voting shall be arranged in such a way that the places for handover of the ballot papers, entrance to and exit from the booths for secret voting, and ballot boxes are placed within plain view of the members of the precinct election commission and other persons who are entitled under this Law to be present in the premises for voting.

5. The premises for voting at a special election precinct shall be freely accessible to members of the election commission, MP candidates and their proxies, parties’ authorized persons, official observers, and mass media representatives. The heads of the institutions and establishments shall ensure unrestricted access to the premises for voting for the members of the election commission, the voters included in the voter list for the election precinct, the MP candidates and their proxies, the parties’ authorized persons, the official observers, and mass media representatives.

6. Each election precinct shall be equipped with the sufficient number of ballot boxes – both stationary (large) and mobile (small). Ballot boxes for voting shall be made of transparent material and shall be of sizes approved by the Central Election Commission. Each ballot box shall have its own number, which shall be indicated on the box. A small election precinct shall have no less than two stationary ballot boxes; a medium election precinct shall have no less than four stationary ballot boxes; and a large election precinct shall have no less than six stationary ballot boxes. Each election precinct shall have no less than two mobile ballot boxes. Stationary ballot boxes shall be placed in the premises for voting in a way that will ensure that voters approaching them have the possibility to walk through the voting booths (rooms) for secret voting. The procedure for producing, accounting, using, and storing the ballot boxes shall be subject to approval by the Central Election Commission.

7. In the premises for voting or directly in front of them, the precinct election commission shall necessarily place posters printed by the district election commission in accordance with the form approved by the Central Election Commission, at the expense of the funds of the State Budget of Ukraine, which shall provide explanation of the procedure of voting and liability for violation of the legislation on the election of the MPs, as well as the electoral lists of each party that has registered MP candidates in the nationwide election district, and lists of the MP candidates registered in the respective single-mandate election district, as well as the information posters specified by Parts 4 and 5 Article 63 of this Law, which shall be placed according to the sequence of appearance of the parties and the MP candidates on the ballot papers for voting, respectively, in the nationwide district and in the single-mandate district.

{Part 7 Article 83 as amended pursuant to the Law № 709-VII dd. 21.11.2013}