Home > 2.1 The competent bodies and their tasks > DENMARK- Folketing (Parliamentary) Election Act
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Article 65

65.-(1) The polling supervisors shall examine the advance votes, if necessary on the day before election day. The covers shall be opened and examined as to whether the advance votes may be considered.

(2) An advance vote shall not be considered if:

the sender is not on the electoral register;

the sender died before election day;

the cover contains more than one covering letter and one envelope;

the advance voting material used is not identical with the material procured by the Minister for the Interior;

the prescribed procedure for advance voting has not been complied with; or,

the advance vote has not been cast within the time-limits specified in sections 56, 57(3) and 58(2) to (4).

(3) If more than one advance vote has been received for due consideration from the same voter, the latest advance vote shall be considered.