Home > 2.1.1 Electoral commissions > ROMANIA - Law no. 208/2015 on the election of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, as well as on the organisation and functioning of the Permanent Electoral Authority
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Article 62

(1) The electoral symbols shall be established and filed with the Central Electoral Bureau by each political party, political alliance, electoral alliance or organisation of citizens belonging to the national minorities taking part in the elections under this law, at least 40 days before the election date.

(2) The electoral symbols must clearly distinguish from the ones previously registered, the use of the same graphic symbols being forbidden, whatever the geometric form that includes them may be. The permanent symbol declared upon the legal registration of political parties, organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities and political alliances may be used as an electoral symbol.

(3) Electoral symbols may not reproduce or combine the national symbols of the Romanian state, of other States, of international bodies, or religious denominations. Political parties that are members of certain international political organisations are an exception and they may use the symbol of that organisation as such or in a typical combination.

(4) The electoral symbol used by a political party, political alliance, electoral alliance, organisation of citizens belonging to a national minority, lawfully registered starting with 1990, is rightfully its if it has been the first user thereof and it can be taken up or used by another political party, political alliance, electoral alliance or organisation of citizens belonging to a national minority registered afterwards, only with the consent of its former owners, respectively of the parties having made up the initial political alliance or the electoral alliance.

(5) If the same electoral symbol is claimed by several political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances, organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities taking part in the elections under this law, the symbol shall be assigned to the political party, political alliance, electoral alliance or organisation of citizens belonging to the national minority that was the first to register that symbol.

(6) The registration or the dismissal of the registration of electoral symbols shall be done by the Central Electoral Bureau, through decision, within five days, at the most, from their filing.

(7) Challenges referring to the registration of electoral symbols shall be filed within three days from the expiry of the deadline referred to in paragraph 6) and shall be settled by the Bucharest County Court within three days, at the most, from the registration of the challenge. The ruling of the Bucharest County Court is final and it is notified to the parties and to the Central Electoral Bureau within 24 hours, at the most.

(8) Electoral symbols cannot be contrary to the law.

(9) The Central Electoral Bureau shall make public the electoral symbols on the day following the expiry of the deadline stipulated in the last phrase of paragraph (7), by publication on its Website and in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I.

(10) Until the candidatures remain final, the Central Electoral Bureau shall communicate the electoral symbols to the prefects, in order for them to be printed on the ballot papers.

(11) Independent candidates cannot use electoral symbols.

(12) The political alliance or the electoral alliance having taken part in the previous elections under a name can keep it only if it has not changed its initial composition or if none of the political parties having left the alliance does not send to the Central Electoral Bureau a letter stating that it does not agree with the fact that the respective name be kept by the respective alliance in its new composition. Moreover, the respective name cannot be used by other political alliance or electoral alliance.