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Article 22

Objections to the Voters' Register and Appeal

(1) Anyone who deems the voters' register to be incorrect or incomplete may lodge an objection within the public display period.

(2) The objection must be lodged with the local authority of the commune in writing or as a minuted statement. If the assertions are not obvious, the objector must produce the requisite evidence.

(3) If the local authority intends to uphold an objection to the registration of another person, it must give that registered person the opportunity to speak before taking its decision.

(4) The local authority of the commune must serve the objector and the registered person concerned with its decision not later than the tenth day before the election and must advise them of the legal remedies available. When the local authority upholds an objection whose purpose is registration, it shall indicate this, after amending the voters' register, by sending the person eligible to vote a voter's notice. In the cases specified in

Article 18 (5) and (6), it shall inform the competent authorities of the registration immediately.

(5) An appeal against the decision of the local authority may be lodged within two days of its service to the District Returning Officer. The appeal must be lodged with the local authority in writing or by means of a minuted statement. The local authority shall submit the appeal with the relevant files to the District Returning Officer immediately. The District Returning Officer must decide on the appeal not later than the fourth day before the election. Paragraph 3 above shall apply as appropriate. The decision on the appeal shall be notified to the persons concerned and to the local authority. It shall be final, unless otherwise decided in electoral scrutiny proceedings.