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Article 29

Issue of Polling Cards to Particular Groups of Persons

(1) The local authority of the commune shall, not later than the eighth day before the elec-tion, contact the managements of

1. the establishments for which a special polling district has been formed (Article 13),

2. smaller hospitals, smaller senior citizens' or nursing homes, monasteries, convents and sociotherapeutic and penal institutions where provision has been made for their occupants who are eligible to do so to cast their votes before a mobile Electoral Board (Articles 8 and 62 to 64),

requesting a register of the persons eligible to vote from the commune who live in the establishment or are employed there and who wish to vote in the establishment on election day. The local authority shall issue polling cards for such persons eligible to vote and send them to the managements of the establishments for prompt distribution.

(2) The local authority shall instruct the managements of the establishments, not later than the thirteenth day before the election,

1. to inform the persons eligible to vote who live in the establishment or are employed there and who are listed in the voters' register of other communes in the same constituency that they may only vote in the establishment if they have obtained a polling card from the local authority in whose voters' register they are registered,

2. to inform the persons eligible to vote who live in the establishment or are employed there and who are listed in the voters' register of communes in other constituencies that they may only exercise their right to vote by postal ballot in their home constituency and for this purpose must obtain a polling card with postal ballot documents from the local authority in whose voters' register they are registered.

(3) The local authority of the commune shall, not later than the thirteenth day before the election, request the military units stationed in the territory of the commune to inform the en-franchised service personnel in accordance with Paragraph 2, no. 2.