Home > 5.3 Validity of the question > TÜRKIYE - Opinion on the Amendments to the Constituion Adopted by the Grand National Assembly on 21 January 2017 and to be Submitted to a National Referendum on 16 April 2017
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Paragraph 68

Under Article 104(8), the President “appoints and dismisses high level State officials and regulates the procedures and principles relating to the appointment of these, by presidential decrees”. Whereas the current text contains an enumerative list of those appointed and dismissed by the president, the draft amendments speak generally about “high level state officials”. It would be up to the President to determine which positions fall under the notion. If s/he opts for an extensive interpretation of the term, s/he would get an enormous power to decide upon who the holders of important posts in the country will be (and to dismiss these holders at her/his leisure). The President not only appoints these officials but s/he also, by his/her decrees, regulates the procedures and principles relating to their appointment. S/He is, in this case, both a “legislator” and executor at the same time.