Home > 1.1 Universal suffrage > SLOVAKIA - Act on Elections to the Bodies of Self-government Regions and on Amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure
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Article 20

Article 20

Registration of Nomination Papers for the Elections of Chairman
             (1)        The Regional Election Commission shall review delivered nominationpapers and cross off a candidate

(a)    who does not meet eligibility criteria under Article 4 above;

(b)   whose nomination paper does not include the declaration under Article 19 (6);

(c)    who is not resident in the municipality within the territory of the self-government region, or is not resident in the military area which belongs, for the purpose of the elections, to the territory of the self-government region;

(d)   if a petition under Article 19 (5) is incomplete or missing entirely.

 (2)              The provisions of Article 15 (2), (3) and (4) apply equally.