Home > 2.1 The competent bodies and their tasks > THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA - Electoral Code
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Article 42

(1) It is the official duty of the State Election Commission to record, add and delete data in the Voter List, based on data from birth registries, registries of residence and citizenship of the Republic of Macedonia, other official records, and through direct inspection.
(2) The State Election Commission shall record, add or delete data in the Voters List at the request of citizens, based on the adopted Rulebook on Methodology for Full Access, Interventions and Deletion of Data in the Voter List.
(3) The State Election Commission shall delete from the Voters List a deceased person or a person who has lost, on any account, his/her voting right, upon a request of a political party by submitting data on the deceased person or other person who has lost, on any account, his/her voting right, based on previous inspection of the data in the registry books, place of residence and citizenship of the Republic of Macedonia, other official records and by immediate inspection, in line with the adopted Rulebook on Methodology for Full Access, Interventions and Deletion of Data in the Voter List.
(4) Registration of citizens of the Republic of Macedonia who are temporarily employed or residing abroad can also be done based on an application submitted to the diplomatic-consular offices.”