Home > 2.1 The competent bodies and their tasks > THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA - Electoral Code
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Article 113

(1) The voters who are temporarily employed or residing abroad on Election Day shall vote in the DCO, i.e. consular offices of the Republic of Macedonia abroad, one day prior to the Election Day in the Republic of Macedonia.

(2) Out of country voting will be conducted in the DCO or consular offices of the Republic of Macedonia abroad:

  • Republic of Albania – Tirana;

  • Republic of Austria - Vienna, which covers the Slovak Republic;

  • Commonwealth of Australia – Canberra and Melbourne;

  • Kingdom of Belgium – Brussels, which covers Grand Dutch of Luxembourg;

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina – Sarajevo;

  • Republic of Bulgaria – Sofia, which covers Republic of Moldova;

  • Canada – Ottawa and Toronto;

  • People’s Republic of China – Beijing, which covers the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Socialistic Republic of Vietnam;

  • Republic of Croatia – Zagreb;

  • Kingdom of Denmark – Copenhagen;

  • Arabic Republic of Egypt – Cairo;

  • Republic of Estonia – Tallinn;

  • Republic of France – Paris and Strasbourg, which covers the Portuguese Republic;

  • Federal Republic of Germany – Berlin, Bonn and Munich;

  • Republic of Greece – Athens and Thessaloniki;

  • Republic of Hungary – Budapest;

  • India – New Delhi;

  • Italy – Rome and Venice, which covers Malta;

  • State of Israel – Tel Aviv;

  • The Holy See of Vatican;

  • Kingdom of Holland –The Hague;

  • Republic of Poland – Warsaw;

  • Romania – Bucharest;

  • Russian Federation – Moscow, which covers the Republic of Belarus;

  • Republic of Serbia – Belgrade;

  • Republic of Slovenia – Ljubljana;

  • Kingdom of Spain – Madrid;

  • Kingdom of Sweden – Stockholm, which covers the Republic of Finland;

  • Switzerland – Bern and Geneva, which cover the Principality of Lichtenstein;

  • Republic of Turkey – Ankara and Istanbul, which covers Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan Republic, Azerbaijan Republic and Republic of Uzbekistan;

  • Ukraine – Kiev;

  • Great Britain – London, which covers Ireland and Republic of Iceland;

  • USA – Washington, Detroit, Chicago and New York;

  • State of Qatar – Doha;

  • Montenegro – Podgorica;

  • Czech Republic – Prague;

  • Republic of Kosovo – Pristina; and

  • Kingdom of Norway – Oslo;

  • Japan – Tokyo;

  • Republic of Kazakhstan – Astana and

  • United Arab Emirates– Abu Dhabi

(3) The State Election Commission is obliged immediately after receiving the election material to deliver it to the DCO, i.e. consular offices through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(4) For the voters from the paragraph (1) of this article, the elections shall be conducted by the Election Boards in the DCO, i.e. consular offices.

(5) Election Boards in the DCO, i.e. consular offices shall prepare protocols for the voting in the DCO, i.e. consular offices.

(6) The ballots shall be placed in separate envelopes, which shall indicate the location of the DCO, i.e. consular offices and electoral district and it shall be sealed.

(7) Election Boards through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall deliver the protocols, sealed envelopes and other election material to the State Election Commission after voting is completed.

(8) State Election Commission shall tabulate and determine the results from the out of country voting.