Home > 2.1 The competent bodies and their tasks > THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA - Electoral Code
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Article 131

(1) The Municipal Election Commission shall prepare protocol to determine the results of the voting.

(2) The protocol shall contain the following information on the voting results:

 - the total number of polling stations in the municipality and the City of Skopje,

 - the total number of voters registered in excerpts of the Voters List for the municipality and the City of Skopje,

 - the total number of ill and incapacitated persons who voted ,

 - the total number of voters who have cast their vote,

 - the number of invalid ballots,

 - the total number of votes that each candidates list has won separately,

 - the number of seats for Members of Council won by the list of candidates, and

 - name and surname of the candidates elected.

(3) A copy of the protocol shall be given to every representative of the list submitter and accredited observers.