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Article 29

Details concerning establishment and functioning of polling stations and of the precinct electoral bureaus from abroad

(1) All polling stations established abroad belong to the electoral district of Chisinau Municipality.

(2) In parliamentary, presidential elections and republican referenda, one or more polling stations are established within the diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of Moldova for voters who are abroad on the Election Day.

(3) Besides the polling stations mentioned in paragraph (2), polling stations can be also organised in other localities, with the consent of the government of the respective country. The organisation of these polling stations is carried out by the Central Electoral Commission, at the proposal of the Government, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign A"airs and European Integration and with other authorities of central public administration, based on the preliminary registration of the citizens who are abroad and the number of voters who have participated in the previous elections. !e Regulations on preliminary registration are approved by the Central Electoral Commission.

(4) The electoral bureau of the polling station from abroad consists of a chairperson, appointed by the head of the diplomatic or consular mission or of the sta" of other institutions of the diplomatic service, and of 6-10 representatives of political parties and other socio-political organisations represented in the Parliament, one representative form each party or socio-political organisation. !e Chisinau district electoral council will supplement the precinct electoral bureaus from abroad with representatives of political parties. In case the number of persons nominated by the parliamentary political factions is not enough to supplement the precinct electoral bureaus from abroad, they will be supplemented with persons from the Register of Electoral O#cials, who have good reputation, who are politically non-affiliated, with the consent of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.

(5) The details of organisation and functioning of the polling stations from abroad are regulated by the Central Electoral Commission, in coordination with the
Ministry of Foreign A"airs and European Integration. !e costs related to the organisation and functioning of these bureaus are covered by the budget allocated for elections/referenda. !e expenditures for the polling stations established abroad are estimated beforehand by the Government and by the Central Electoral Commission, and in case they are not foreseen in the budget allocated for elections/referenda, nancial recourses are allocated from the Government’s Reserve Fund.

(6) The minutes drawn up by the precinct electoral bureaus from abroad, together with all complaints related to the electoral procedures of the precinct electoral bureau, are forwarded, via electronic means, to the district electoral council within 24 hours maximum aer the closing of the polling station. The accuracy of the data included in these minutes is conrmed via phone. In case there are sufficiently proved discrepancies or errors, these may be corrected by the Chisinau district electoral council.