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Article 58

Minutes and Report of the Precinct Electoral Bureau

(1) The precinct electoral bureau shall draw up minutes, in two copies, that include:

a) the number of voters included in the voter list;
b) the number of voters included in supplementary voter lists;
c) the number of ballots issued to voters;
d) the number of voters who voted;
e) the number that reflects the difference between the number of ballots issued and the number of people who voted;
f) the number of invalid ballots;
g) the number of valid votes cast for each candidate (or for each issue put up for referendum);
h) the total number of valid votes cast;
i) the number of ballots received by precinct electoral bureau;
j) the number of unused and cancelled ballots.

(2) The sample of the minutes on the results of vote counting, drawn up by the precinct electoral bureau, is set by the Central Electoral Commission for any types of elections. Prior to elections day, the respective electoral council shall provide precinct electoral bureaus with the necessary number of minutes forms.

(3) The results of the vote counting shall be examined at a meeting of the precinct electoral bureau and entered into the minutes, which shall be signed by the chairperson, deputy chairperson, secretary, as well as by the rest of bureau’s members. The absence of signatures of certain members of the precinct electoral bureau shall not invalidate the minutes. However, the reasons for the absence of these signatures shall be indicated in the report of the precinct electoral bureau.

(4) The minutes on the voting results shall be prepared in several copies in the presence of precinct electoral bureau members, representatives of candidates and other authorised persons. A copy of the minutes shall be kept at the polling station. Another copy shall be submitted to district electoral council, and a copy shall be immediately posted at the entrance into the polling station, whereas the others shall be obligatorily distributed to representatives of candidates and observers.

(5) The chairperson of the precinct electoral bureau shall also prepare the bureau’s report based on the written record of the bureau’s activities during the electoral period. The report shall include a summary of statements and complaints regarding precinct electoral bureaus activity as well as decisions concerning those complaints adopted by the bureau. e chairperson shall sign the report and shall give other members an opportunity to provide written comments and additions to it, and then shall ask the rest of the members of the bureau to put their signatures on the document. Complaints and statements shall be attached to the report.

(6) The chairperson of the precinct electoral bureau shall hand over to the district electoral council as soon as possible, but no later than 18 hours after the announcement of the closing of the polling stations: the valid ballots sealed separately for each electoral contestant, results minutes, report, invalid, unused, or contested ballots, as well as statements and complaints in a sealed box. The sealed box shall be transported under police guard, with the chairperson and at least two members of the precinct bureau accompanying the box at all times. The precinct electoral bureau established outside the Republic of Moldova shall submit, apart from the listed documents, the supplementary voter lists as well.

(7) Precinct electoral bureau stamps shall be kept in a sealed box at the polling station. After closing elections, stamps shall be handed over to district electoral councils.