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Article 67

Consideration of Complaints

(1) Complaints against actions and decisions of the Central Electoral Commission filed during an electoral period shall be considered and adjudicated within five calendar days of their filing.

(2) Complaints against actions and decisions of district electoral councils or precinct electoral bureaus are examined (considered and adjudicated) within 3 calendar days of their submission, but not later than the Election Day. Complaints against actions/ inactions of electoral candidates are examined (considered and adjudicated) within 5 calendar days as of their submission, but not later than the Election Day. While examining the complaints and disputes, electoral bodies/courts will give priority to those that refer to the registration of candidates and to the accuracy of compiling voters’ lists.

(3) Complaints !led with the court on elections day shall be considered and adjudicated on the same day, whereas complaints against decisions of election administration body on tabulation of results tabulation and awarding of mandates shall be adjudicated by the court simultaneously with con!rmation of the elections’ legality and the validation of mandates.

(4) The activity of the courts of law shall be organised in such a way that statements, complaints and appeals are adjudicated without delays.

(41) Electoral candidates may defend their interests in Courts for examining the complaints regarding the actions/inactions and decisions of electoral bodies and actions/inactions of electoral candidates by its representative designated according to Art. 15 para. (1).

(5) Complaints !led to courts shall be considered and adjudicated pursuant to the Code of Civil Procedure and the Law on Administrative Jurisdiction.