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Article 102

Special conditions for signatures collecting lists

(1) To be registered by the Central Electoral Commission, all the candidates for the position of President of the Republic of Moldova shall lodge signatures collecting lists, which will contain the signatures of at least 15000 and not more than 25000 voters from at least half of the second level territorial-administrative units of the 83 Republic of Moldova and comply with other provisions from the respective code.

(2)The second level territorial-administrative units of the Republic of Moldova in which at least 600 signatures were collected are considered to be in line with par. (1).

(3) If the Central Electoral Commission identifies, in the process of verification of signatures collecting lists, false signatures or repeated signatures in several lists, the respective signatures, as well as the signatures collected with violation of art. 42 and 43 shall be excluded.

(4) If during the verification of the signatures collecting lists it is identified that the necessary number of signatures is not met, or that as a result of excluding the invalid signatures, the number of the signatures has decreased as compared to the minimum threshold set in par. (1) and (2), the candidate shall not be registered, and the respective decision shall be notified to him/her within 24 hours since its adoption.

(5) It is not admitted to submit additional signatures collecting lists after the verification of the signatures collecting lists by the Central Electoral Commission.