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Article 135

Confirmation of Elections’ Legality and Mandates’ Validation

(1) District electoral councils of the first level territorial-administrative units submit minutes on election results to the appropriate sector or municipality courts. Minutes of the second level territorial-administrative units are submitted to the courts of law where the electoral councils of the second level territorial-administrative units are based. !e Chisinau municipality district electoral council shall submit respective documents to the sector court where the Chisinau municipality district electoral council is situated.

(2) The courts of law, within 10 days of receiving the district electoral councils’ reports, shall either confirm or invalidate the legality of elections in every district by a decision which they, within 24 hours of adoption, shall submit to the Central Electoral Commission and the respective district electoral councils, which shall publish the final results.

(3) At the same time, the courts of law shall validate the mandates of elected councillors and mayors and mention this in the decision. Courts shall also confirm the list of candidates on the reserve list.

(4) The council shall be considered legally constituted when mandates of at least 2/3 of the total number of councillors are validated.

(5) The district electoral council shall issue a document certifying the new Members of the Council and certifying the new Mayor to the elected councillors and mayors according to the design approved by the Central Electoral Commission.