Home > 1.1 Universal suffrage > MOLDOVA - Electoral Code 2016 and 2017 Law for Amending and Completing Certain Legislative Acts (Electoral System for the Election of Parliament)
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Article I.


Modification of lists of candidates from the national constituency

(1) The electoral candidates shall be entitled to recall the entire list of candidates, to replace one candidate, to cancel the decision on including in the list any particular candidate, but not later than 14 days before the elections date.

(2) The decision to recall or modify the list of candidates shall be adopted by the formation which has nominated the candidate or the list of candidates and shall be submitted to the Central Election Commission. The Commission will immediately make this information public.

(3) The modification of the lists of candidates shall be carried out by observing the provisions of art.7 para.(2) let. b) of the Law on Ensuring Equal Chances for Women and Men.