Home > 2.1 The competent bodies and their tasks > MOLDOVA - Electoral Code 2016 and 2017 Law for Amending and Completing Certain Legislative Acts (Electoral System for the Election of Parliament)
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Article I.


Voting. Special conditions of the right to vote

(1) Voting during the parliamentary elections shall be carried out pursuant to Chapter 9 (art.50 – art.55), applied correspondingly.

(2) Students and pupils entitled to vote enrolled in an educational institution in a locality where they are not registered with domicile or residence may vote at any polling station open in that locality, being bound to observe the following requirements:

a) to present their ID cards and ID slip;
b) to present their student/pupil card, which mentions the educational institution in the given locality;
c) to fill in and sign a statement on student’s own responsibility with respect to refraining from multiple voting, the student being informed about the criminal liability if this obligation is breached.

(3) Voters specified in para. (2) are included in the additional list, mentioning the educational institution where they are enrolled under the heading “Note”

(4) The voter votes in the polling station of the uninominal constituency where his/her domicile is. The voters who do not have their domicile in the respective uninominal constituency shall not participate in the parliamentary elections in the uninominal constituencies.

(5) Until recovering the constitutional control over the localities from the left side of the River Nistru (Transnistria), the voters registered in the voters’ lists in the uninominal constituencies established for the localities on the left side of the River Nistru (Transnistria) shall exercise their right to vote in any of the distinct polling stations located under the constitutional control of the Republic of Moldova authorities under the conditions established in the present Code.

(6) The citizens of Republic of Moldova who on the elections’ date are abroad and who, from different reasons, did not register in advance may exercise their right to vote in the uninominal constituencies established abroad, at any polling station established abroad, under the conditions set in the Regulation approved by the Central Election Commission.