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Article 1.14

The elections at all levels of authority in Bosnia and Herzegovina shall be held on the first Sunday in October unless that date conflicts with observance of a religious holiday of one of the constituent peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Any election that cannot be held on the first Sunday in October because of a conflict with a religious holiday shall be scheduled by the Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Sunday closest to the first Sunday in October, which does not conflict with a religious holiday.


At least one hundred and seventy (170) days prior to the holding of an election, the Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall notify all competent authorities at all levels when an election shall be conducted, unless otherwise provided by Chapter 13 of this law. 


Notwithstanding the deadline of at least one hundred and seventy (170) days established in the previous paragraph of this Article for notification to be given by the Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina to all competent authorities at all levels when an election shall be conducted, for the first elections to be conducted under the provisions of this Election Law, this deadline shall be at least one hundred and sixty nine (169) days prior to the holding of an election.


The Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall publish the dates of the elections for all levels of authority in the “Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Entity official gazettes, “Official Gazette of the District of Brcko” and in the media.