Home > 2.1.2 Executive bodies > HUNGARY - Act XXXVI of 2013 on Electoral Procedure
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Section 289

(1) The election office shall examine the voting documents that arrive before the deadline.
(2) When examining voting documents, the election office shall check received voting documents without opening the inner envelope containing the ballot paper. The content of the identification declaration shall be verified by the election office using the postal electoral register. If necessary, the National Election Office shall verify the content of the identification declaration by directly accessing data in the records relevant to the document proving Hungarian citizenship, by contacting the body with competence in citizenship affairs or through the records of citizens' personal data and addresses.
(3) A voting document shall be invalid if
a) the reply envelope is not sealed;
b) the reply envelope does not contain an identification declaration or an inner envelope;
c) the reply envelope contains several inner envelopes for the same election;
d) the inner envelope is not sealed;
e) the voter's information on the declaration is incomplete or the declaration was not signed by the voter;
f) the citizen is not listed in the register of postal voters;
g) the voter had already submitted valid voting documents;

i) the voting document arrived late.
(4) The voting document shall also be invalid if the data on the voter in the identification declaration diverges from data in the register according to (2) except if the reason for this is due to:
a) change of name in the meantime
b) error in an accentuated letter
c) variance in the writing style
d) geographical names stated in a foreign language.
e) data according to Section 92 (1) a) aa) ab) and ad) one of many forenames is omitted or data is stated in a foreign language
but the identity of the voter can be determined without substantial doubt.