Home > 2 Organising the elections > KOSOVO - Kosovo - Opinion on the “draft law on amending and supplementing the Law no. 03/l-174 on the Financing of Political Entities (Amended and Supplemented by the Law no. 04/l-058 and the Law no. 04/l-122) and the Law no. 003/l-073 on General Elections
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Paragraph 54

Some of the new provisions seem to indicate that the draft law intends to shift these competences from the CEC to the Office: under draft Article 11.1/E of the LGE, the CEC Office shall request from relevant political entities the correction of irregularities before imposing sanctions; and Article 3 of the draft law further replaces the term “CEC” in Article 126, paragraph 1 of the LGE by the term “CEC Office”. This move is clearly to be supported, as it further strengthens the role and position of the Office. That said, its competences in this respect should be regulated more clearly.