Home > 2 Organising the elections > KOSOVO - Kosovo - Opinion on the “draft law on amending and supplementing the Law no. 03/l-174 on the Financing of Political Entities (Amended and Supplemented by the Law no. 04/l-058 and the Law no. 04/l-122) and the Law no. 003/l-073 on General Elections
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Paragraph 58

The Venice Commission acknowledges that the current reform initiative is an important step in the right direction. The draft law contains significant amendments to the Law on the Financing of Political Entities (LFPE) and the Law on General Elections (LGE). It further clarifies the definition of a contribution to a political entity, it strengthens publication requirements with respect to information on political entities’ finances and includes new tools for monitoring compliance with the rules. The responsibilities in this area are re-distributed: the reformed and renamed “Office for registration, certification and financial control of political entities” under the Central Election Commission/CEC (the Office) will have the leading role, with the support of external auditors and other competent authorities.