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Article 15

Powers of the CEC Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, and Secretary

1. The CEC Chairperson shall be the senior official of the Electoral Administration of Georgia.

2. The CEC Chairperson shall:

a) perform all administrative duties in the CEC;

b) preside over CEC sessions;

c) administer CEC funds

c1) by ordinance defines the amount of financing of parties on the basis of the Organic Law of Georgia on Political Associations of Citizens;

d) under this Law, register parties and electoral blocs running in elections, as well as initiative groups of voters (for the election of the President of Georgia and the Mayor of Tbilisi) and their representatives to the CEC;

e) register party lists, and candidates for Mayor of Tbilisi city; 

f) issue respective certificates to the representatives of parties and electoral blocs running in elections, and to the representatives of initiative groups of voters (for the election of the President of Georgia and the Mayor of Tbilisi);

g) grant appropriate certificates to candidates for Mayor of Tbilisi city; 

g1) when there are appropriate grounds for that, issue a decree on dismissing an application/complaint without prejudice;

h) grant an appropriate certificate to a member of Parliament of Georgia, the Mayor of Tbilisi and a member of Tbilisi Sakrebulo, and if the powers of a member of Parliament of Georgia and a member of Tbilisi Sakrebulo are prematurely terminated, the above certificate shall be granted to their legal successors;

i) furnish the Interim Credentials Commission of a newly elected Parliament of Georgia with all documents necessary for verifying the powers of elected MPs, and after setting up the respective Standing Committee, furnish the Standing Committee with the same documents;

j) exercise other powers granted by the electoral legislation of Georgia;

k) except for the issues falling within the authority of the CEC as defined by law, based on an order of the CEC Chairperson, assign administrative and financial duties to the head of a CEC structural unit for a particular period;

l) give assignments to the Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, other members and employees of the CEC staff according to the regulations of the Electoral Administration 

3. The CEC Deputy Chairperson shall:

a) perform duties assigned to the CEC Chairperson if the CEC does not have a Chairperson or the Chairperson is unable to perform his/her duties;

b) exercise certain powers of the CEC Chairperson by an ordinance of the CEC Chairperson and with the CEC consent (the ordinance shall clearly specify scopes and terms of assigned powers).

4. The CEC Secretary shall:

a) distribute all electoral documents and correspondence submitted and addressed to the CEC;

b) register, based on an ordinance, the representatives of an electoral bloc/party independently running in elections of the Parliament of Georgia and for municipal bodies, as well as the representatives of a party and an initiative group of voters nominating the candidate for President of Georgia (for presidential elections of Georgia) to DECs and issue respective certificates thereto;

c) register, by ordinance, observers appointed in the CEC by a non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal entity/international organisation with a status of election/referendum/plebiscite observer, register observers sent by the state bodies of another country, and issue observer certificates to them;

d) accredit representatives of the media and issue accreditation cards to them by ordinance;

e) draft summary protocols of election results;

f) exercise other powers granted by the electoral legislation of Georgia 

Organic Law of Georgia No 5438 of 22 June 2016 – website, 12.7.2016
Organic Law of Georgia No 1274 of 26 July 2017 – website, 29.7.2017
Organic Law of Georgia No 3266 of 21 July 2018 – website, 13.8.2018