Home > 1. The principles of Europe's electoral heritage > KOSOVO - Law No. 003/L-073 on General Elections and Amendments 2010
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Article 50

Paid Political Advertising in the Print Media

50.1 Print media shall provide equitable access to all certified political entities that request advertising space.

50.2 A print medium shall apply the same rate without discrimination to all certified political entities.

50.3 Each paid political advertisement shall clearly indicate the organization or individual responsible for it.

50.4 Free advertising space provided to a certified political entity shall be clearly identified as such. Similar free space shall be promptly provided to all other certified entities that request it.

51.5 Print media shall charge advertising rates to certified political entities that are no higher than the lowest officially listed and published advertising rates offered to all other advertisers for similar space and lineage which are in use thirty (30) days prior to the campaign period.