Home > 1.1 Universal suffrage > TÜRKIYE - Law on Presidential Elections with Amendments made by Laws 7062, 7102 and 7140
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Article 2

(1) The President is elected by the people.

(2) The election is performed with general ballot, equal, and secret ballots across the country on the same day under the administration and supervision of the judiciary. Voting by Turkish citizens living abroad is executed within the framework of the provisions of the Law No. 298 of 26/4/1961 on the Basic Provisions of Elections and Electoral Registry.

(3) The voters shall cast their votes with full liberty.

(4) The votes are counted, tallied, and reported in an open manner.

(5) For circumstances that do not have specific provisions in this law, the provisions of the Law No. 298, The Political Parties Law No. 2820 of 22/4/1983, The Parliamentary Elections Law No. 2839 of 10/6/1983, The Law No. 2972 of 18/1/1984 on the Election of Local Governments, Neighborhood Masters and Neighborhood Executive Committees, The Referenda on Constitutional Amendments Law No. 3376 of 23/5/1987 and their annexes and amendments that do not conflict with this Law shall be implemented.

(6) From the beginning to the end of the Presidential elections, the Supreme Election Council is authorized to make resolutions for the purpose of performing all procedures regarding the orderly administration and fairness of the election and having these procedures performed by other parties and to shorten the periods specified in the laws specified in the fifth clause and this law with regards to the election and to determine and make announcements.