Home > 2.1 The competent bodies and their tasks > TÜRKIYE - Law on Presidential Elections with Amendments made by Laws 7062, 7102 and 7140
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Article 8

(Annexed on 25/4/2018 in accordance with the article 7 of Law 7140)

(1) Candidates may be nominated for the Presidency with a written proposal of at least one hundred thousand voters.

(2) The person who wants to be nominated by the voters apply personally to the Supreme Board of Election with the following documents:

a) Application letter, including ID and clear address information, and documents of eligibility,
b) A receipt showing that ten times the gross amount of all payments made to the highest-ranking civil servant under financial rights has been deposited to the relevant treasury office

(3) The Supreme Board of Elections shall examine the application and its annexes within two days. At the end of the review:

a) If the applicant is found not to be eligible, the application is rejected. The applicant may request re-examination within two days of notification of such decision. The Supreme Board of Elections shall decide on this request within three days.
b) In case of deficiencies in the information and documents, two days will be given for the completion of the deficiencies. If the deficiencies are not completed within this period, the application is rejected.

(4) The Supreme Board of Elections shall announce the list of the applicants whose applications are accepted. Voters may only make a bid for only one of the persons specified in this announcement.

(5) Voters shall personally apply for the nomination to the district election board to which they are registered. After it is determined that the applicant has the qualifications as a voter and that he has not made a candidate bid before, the voter make a choice among the applicants and a form containing the information of the candidate is signed by the voter and it is recorded in electronic environment. The voter is given a document indicating the bid made for an applicant. Candidate nomination forms are transmitted electronically to the Supreme Election Board and physically stored in the district election boards. In the case of request of the applicant, who wishes to be nominated, forms and other information about those who made bid for applicant is provided to the applicant. The matters concerning the appeal shall be decided by the Supreme Board of Elections.

(6) The persons who are nominated by a hundred thousand voters within the specified time period are included in the temporary candidate list.

(7) In case person is nominated by a hundred thousand voters or in case of death the money deposited to the treasury office shall be returned after the election on demand. In other cases, this amount is recorded as income to the Treasury.

(8) For the procedures related to the candidate nomination, sufficient number of personnel are assigned to the district election boards, and necessary measures are taken.

(9) Other procedures and principles related to the application of this article including the applications and forms regarding the nominations by the voters and nomination by the voters registered abroad are determined by the Supreme Board of Elections.