Home > 2 Organising the elections > TÜRKIYE - Law on Presidential Elections with Amendments made by Laws 7062, 7102 and 7140
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Article 13

(1) The propaganda period commences on the day the candidate list is finalized and finishes at 06:00 pm on the day before the voting.

(2) The Supreme Election Council and the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation shall ensure that the propaganda broadcasts on Turkish Radio and Television in the propaganda period is performed in an impartial and equal manner.

(3) Other than restrictions on period, for propaganda speeches of candidates on private televisions and radios, the concerned provisions of the Law No. 298 shall apply.

(4) During the propaganda period, for the other issues regarding propaganda including provisions related to bans in relation to the Prime Minister, ministers, and members of parliament, the provisions of the Law No. 298 shall be implemented comparatively.