Home > 1.3.2 Freedom of voters to express their wishes > TÜRKIYE - Law on Basic Provisions on Elections and Voter Registers with Amendments made by Laws 7062, 7102 and 7140
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Article 96

(7th Article of Law 3959, amended on 28 December 1993.) the ballot box is not opened before 1700 hours according to the last paragraph of 89th Article unless the Supreme Board of elections has stated otherwise. When the voting procedures have finished the chairman of the committee announces this aloud.

Everything but the ballot box is removed on the table. The time on which the voting procedures has finished is recorded in the minute book.
After that the total number of the voters listed on the ballot box list and the total number of signatures or the fingerprints next to the names are counted, before recording the result on the minute book as determined. The result is announced loudly.