Home > 1.1 Universal suffrage > TÜRKIYE - Joint Opinion on Amendments to the Electoral Legislation and Related "Harmonisation Laws" Adopted in March and April 2018
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Paragraph 20

These late amendments in relation to the elections raise four concerns. One is that late amendments to electoral legislation may undermine the legislation’s function as a fair and stable framework for holding elections and providing the parties with an equal playing ground. Second, late amendments, in particular if they are rushed, may be detrimental to a thorough and inclusive legislative process.7 Third, and as a consequence, late changes might be perceived, rightly or wrongly, as politically biased, that is as intended to (dis)advantage some political parties and candidates, and, as such, undermine trust in the electoral process and results. Fourth, late amendments diminish the opportunity for election administration bodies, political participants, voters and the media to become informed with the new electoral rules, and limit the needed time for administrative preparations, including training and voter education.