Home > 2.1.1 Electoral commissions > LITHUANIA - Law on Elections to the Seimas
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Article 18

Powers of the Polling district electoral committee

The polling district electoral committee shall:

1) receive electoral rolls from the constituency electoral committee, provide conditions for voters, representatives of parties at the elections to familiarise themselves with the said lists, hand or deliver in some other ways poll cards to voters, inform the constituency electoral committee about inaccuracies noticed in the electoral roll of the polling district and transmit such information by means of electronic communications in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Central Electoral Commission ;

2) investigate complaints about the errors made in electoral rolls;

3) in the manner prescribed by the Central Electoral Commission, monitor postal voting conducted in the territory of a polling district in order to create conditions for voting by post in all healthcare (except outpatient healthcare institutions), social care and guardianship institutions, military units, arrest houses, remand prisons (detention facilities) and penal institutions situated in the territory of the polling district, as well as organise voting at home;

4) together with a representative of the municipality administration make arrangements in accordance with the requirements set forth in this Law about a timely preparation of the polling station, voting booths and ballot boxes;

5) organise voting in the polling district on the election day;

6) count votes and draw up the vote counting record of the polling district and transmit the data of this counting record via electronic means of communication in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Central Electoral Commission;

7) consider the complaints of the voters and observers of their electoral district on issues concerning preparation of the elections, organisation of polls, vote counting, drawing up a vote counting record, and adopt decisions related to them; and

8) exercise other powers provided for in this Law.