Home > 2.1.1 Electoral commissions > LITHUANIA - Law on Elections to the Seimas
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Article 68

Organisation of Polls in Diplomatic Missions, Consular Posts and on Ships of the Republic of Lithuania

1. Voting commissions shall be set up in diplomatic missions, consular posts and on ships of the Republic of Lithuania in order to organise voting and count the votes cast.

2. Voting commissions shall consist of chairman and at least two members. They shall be set up in a diplomatic mission or consular post of the Republic of Lithuania by its head from the employees of the diplomatic mission or consular post of the Republic of Lithuania, or from other citizens of the Republic of Lithuania residing in a foreign country. The procedure for giving written pledges by commission members shall be laid down by the Central Electoral Commission.

3. Voting commissions on ships shall be set up by ship captains – citizens of the Republic of Lithuania, taking into account the decision of a meeting of the ship’s crew – citizens of the Republic of Lithuania.

4. The procedure for voting, vote counting and submitting of records to the Central Electoral Commission, as well as the procedure for handing certificates of election observers shall be laid down by the Central Electoral Commission.

5. On the recommendation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Central Electoral Commission shall draw up a list of diplomatic missions and consular posts of the Republic of Lithuania in which voting shall be conducted and shall set voting days (no less than 10) for each diplomatic mission or consular post.

6. In diplomatic missions, consular posts of the Republic of Lithuania their heads and on ship their captains – citizens of the Republic of Lithuania shall be responsible for organizing voting, submitting to the Central Electoral Commission the records and other documents defined by it.

7. Voting shall not be organised on the ships on which there are no conditions to organize voting pursuant to the requirements of this Law.

8. Chairmen and members of voting commissions shall be paid remuneration for their work in the voting commissions in accordance with rates submitted by the Central Electoral Commission and fixed by the Government.