Home > 2.1.3 Jurisdictions > LITHUANIA - Law on Elections to the Seimas
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Article 86

Complaints against the Decisions of Electoral Committees which Have Been Adopted after Closing of the Polls

1. Parties which have nominated a candidate for Seimas member, candidates for Seimas member, their election representatives, election observers may appeal against the decisions of polling district electoral committees concerning the drawing up of vote counting records to the constituency electoral committee not later than within 24 hours of their drawing up. These complaints must be investigated no later than within 24 hours.

2. Decisions of the constituency electoral committee concerning vote counting records may be appealed against to the Central Electoral Commission no later than within 72 hours following their drawing-up and must be considered before the proclamation of final election results.

3. While investigating complaints against the decisions of polling district electoral committees concerning the drawing up of vote counting records, constituency electoral committees, in the presence of at least 3/5 of the committee members, may recount ballot papers which are presented by the polling district electoral committee, and, in the event of an arithmetical error in the records, incorrectly calculated valid and invalid ballot papers, the committees shall draw up an additional vote counting record of the polling district and attach it to the vote counting record of the polling district. The constituency electoral committee shall not have the right to nullify the vote counting records of the polling district electoral committee.

4. While investigating the complaint against the decision of the constituency electoral committee concerning the drawing up of the vote counting record of the constituency, the Central Electoral Commission may recount ballot papers which are presented by the constituency electoral committee, and, in the event of an arithmetical error in the record, incorrectly calculated valid or invalid ballot papers, shall draw up an additional vote counting record of the constituency, the polling district and attach it to the vote counting record of the constituency.

5. Parties which have nominated candidates for Seimas member as well as candidates for Seimas member may appeal against the decisions of the Central Electoral Committee or against the refusal of the Central Electoral Commission to investigate complaints about the violations of the Law on Elections not later than within 24 hours after the announcement of the official final election results, to the Seimas or the President of the Republic. In such cases, the Seimas or President of the Republic shall, not later than within 48 hours, appeal to the Constitutional Court with the inquiry concerning the violation of the Law in Elections to the Seimas.