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Article 134

Active and passive suffrage

1. A citizen of Georgia who has attained the age of 21 by the polling day and has resided in Georgia for at least 5 years may be elected as a member of a municipality representative body Sakrebulo.

2. A citizen of Georgia from the age of 25 with the right to vote who has resided in Georgia for at least 5 years may be elected as the Mayor of a self-governing city/self-governing community.

3. A citizen of Georgia may not simultaneously be a member of another representative body and a Mayor of a self-governing city/community.

4. Voters of the respective electoral district and local majoritarian electoral district shall participate in the elections of a municipality representative body Sakrebulo, a Mayor of a self-governing city/community by active suffrage.

5. Personnel of the Ministries of Internal Affairs and Defence of Georgia, the State Security Service of Georgia shall participate in the elections of a municipality representative body Sakrebulo, and a Mayor of a self-governing city/community by active suffrage under the procedure established by Article 32(6) of this Law.

6. Voters permanently residing abroad on the day the elections are called, or voters temporarily staying outside Georgia on Election Day, shall not participate in the elections of a municipality representative body Sakrebulo or Mayor of a self-governing city/community.

Organic Law of Georgia No 2093 of 7 March 2014 – website, 14.3.2014

Organic Law of Georgia No 3973 of 8 July 2015 – website, 15.7.2015

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of Georgia No 3/3/600 of 17 May 2017 – website, 29.5.2017

Organic Law of Georgia No 1232 of 26 July 2017 – website, 29.7.2017

Organic Law of Georgia No 1274 of 26 July 2017 – website, 29.7.2017