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Article 47
Section 47
Report of the Central Election Commission and
publication of election returns
(1) (1) The Central Election Commission establishes the results of an election to Municipal (City) Council and the results of an election of Mayors of the municipalities  in the territory of the Slovak Republic.
(2) (2) The Central Election Commission shall elaborate a report on election returns in the Slovak Republic , which is signed by the chief and other members of the Commission and the note taker. The reasons for refusing to sign shall be recorded.
(3) (3) The report on election returns shall contain:
a)   a)   total number of persons entered in the registers of electors within the Slovak Republic,
b)  b)  total number of electors issued with envelopes,
c)   c)   total number of deputies who have been elected to the Municipal (City) Council according to political parties and independent candidates,
d)  d)  the number of municipalities wherein the municipal (city) body of representative has been elected in accordance with section 9 paragraph 4 and 5,
e)   e)   the number of municipalities wherein the Municipal (City) Council has been elected,
f)    f)    the number of elected Mayors of municipalities according to political parties and independent candidates.
(4) (4) The Central Election Commission shall publish final results of elections to the Municipal (City) Councils and of Mayors of municipalities immediately after signing the report on election returns.