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Powers of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal

In addition to powers conferred on the TSE by the Constitution, by this Act and by other legislation, the TSE is empowered to:

a) Organize, administer and supervise election-related activities; for such purpose it may issue regulations, decisions and rulings pursuant to the law.

b) Count the votes cast and make the official election announcement of results under its responsibility.

c) Issue exclusive and binding interpretations of constitutional provisions and other provisions of election legislation ex officio or at the request of the superior executive committee of any registered political party and without prejudice to the powers of the Constitutional Court in the area of conflict of jurisdiction. The final resolution issued in relation to this matter shall be published in the official gazette, La Gaceta, and communicated to all political parties.

d) Issue consultative opinions upon the request of the superior executive committees of any of the registered political parties or for heads of public institutions who are legitimately interested in electoral matters. Any individual may also request a consultative opinion; however, if deemed necessary for the proper direction of the electoral process and related activities, the Tribunal shall issue it at its discretion. Whenever the Tribunal deems it appropriate, it shall order the publication of the respective ruling.

e) For electoral activities, guarantee the exercise of electoral rights stipulated in the Political Constitution and in international treaties currently in force in Costa Rica, in the law, in regulations and in the bylaws of political parties for particular cases by means of the appeal for legal protection of electoral rights. Procedures for the protection of electoral rights shall be executed as provided for in this Act and, and failing this, in accordance with the procedure established by the law of the constitutional jurisdiction.

f) Supervise the internal processes of political parties to appoint the members of their organs, caucus delegates and candidates to popular election positions so that they act in accordance with the election legislation and the democratic principle.

g) Declare Electoral Boards as constituted, and remove any member from their position for just cause.

h) Announce the results of elections, publish them and notify the elected candidates of said results and issue them with the respective credentials.

i) Regulate and enforce compliance with the regulations related to private contributions and state funding for political parties, with the faculty of ordering the audits deemed necessary at any time; for this purpose, the auditing or the treasury of each political party and its accountants must provide their mandatory cooperation.

j) Ensure due compliance with the regulations regarding electoral advertising and election polls in accordance with this Act and other regulations that apply for this purpose.

k) Prepare and publish the electoral district map.

l) Prepare training programs for the citizens on the importance of citizen political participation and the financing of political parties to democracy.

m) Promover las reformas electorales que estime necesarias y colaborar en la tramitación legislativa de los proyectos relacionados con esa materia.

n) Carry out the consultation mentioned in Article 97 of the Political Constitution.

o) Act as administrative head of the Civil Registry and other electora bodies and, in this capacity, issue its autonomous regulations of organization and service, as well as those of any organization under its control.

p) Hear pertinent appeals against decisions issued by electoral organizations.

q) Organize the referendum process and plebiscites mentioned in Articles 105 and 168 of the Political Constitution and make the respective results announcement. r) Effectively ensure acess by all participating political parties involved in the electoral process to the politico-electoral debates it organizes, once the official announcement of elections has been made by this Tribunal.

s) Regulate the provisions of this Act regarding the regulations relating to state funding and private contributions to political parties.