Home > 2.1.1 Electoral commissions > NORTH MACEDONIA - ELECTORAL CODE
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Article 68

Procedure in the case of death of a candidate from the confirmed list of candidates for the election of Members of Parliament

(1) The order of the candidates in the list of candidates i.e. the order of the lists of candidates shall be determined by the State Election Commission by drawing lots and it shall be the same in all electoral districts or municipalities, and in the electoral district or municipality where the list submitter does not have a representative, the respective number of the list submitter shall be left out and instead, the ordinal number of the following head of the list shall be written without leaving an empty space.
(2) The lists of candidates for Members of the Council and for Mayor that have been submitted by the same list submitter shall receive the same ordinal number in all municipalities (or just in the respective municipality).
(3) Lists of candidates proposed by a coalition led by the same political party shall have the same ordinal number in all municipalities or in all electoral districts, regardless of the number of political parties in the coalition in the different municipalities or electoral districts.
(4) Having confirmed the list of candidates for Members of Council and the list of candidates for Mayor, the Municipal Election Commission or the Election Commission of the City of Skopje shall submit the lists to the State Election Commission for the purpose of determining the order of candidates in the single list of candidates, based on paragraph (1) and (2) of this article.
(5) The State Election Commission shall previously notify the authorised representatives of the list submitters about the activities it will undertake in line with the paragraphs (1) and (2) of this article.