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Article 69

Publishing the lists

(1) The State Election Commission shall publish the confirmed single list of candidates for the Election of President of the Republic in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia”, not later than 25 days prior to Election Day.
(2) The State Election Commission shall publish the confirmed single lists of candidates for Members of Parliament in the electoral districts in the daily newspapers and one of them shall be in the community language spoken by at least 20% of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, not later than 23 days prior to Election Day.
(3) State Election Commission, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, shall deliver the confirmed single lists to the DCOs or consular offices for their publication within 48 hours.
(4) The Municipal Election Commission or Election Commission of the City of Skopje shall announce the confirmed single lists of candidates for Members of Council i.e. lists of candidates for Mayor, by displaying them in all inhabited places and in the polling stations in the municipality, not later than 23 days prior to Election Day.
(5) The Municipal Election Commissions i.e. Election Commission of the City of Skopje shall post the confirmed single lists of candidates for Members of Parliament in the polling stations in the municipalities for which they are competent.
(6) In the municipalities where at least 20% of the citizens speak an official language other than the Macedonian, in addition to the Macedonian language and its Cyrillic alphabet, the confirmed lists of candidates shall also be published in the official language and alphabet used by citizens in that municipality.