Home > 2.1 The competent bodies and their tasks > NORTH MACEDONIA - ELECTORAL CODE
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Article 103

Competencies of the Election Board during voting

(1) The Election Board shall maintain peace and order at the polling station.
(2) The Election Board may remove anybody who disturbs the peace and order at the polling station.
(3) The building where the polling station is located and the access to it shall be secured by the police during the voting.
(4) The Election Board may ask for police assistance in order to restore order at the polling station.
(5) No one shall be allowed to come to the polling station armed, except for the police in the cases prescribed in paragraphs (3) and (4) of this article.
(6) The Election Board, in co-operation with the police, shall be required to remove any promotional materials from the building and the room where voting takes place.
(7) The police, upon request from the President or Deputy President of the Election Board shall be required to remove any unauthorised persons from the building and the room where voting takes place, as well as the unauthorised persons in the radius of 100 meters from the building where voting takes place.