Home > Coverage of the election campaign > NORTH MACEDONIA - ELECTORAL CODE
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Article 181


(1) A fine in the amount of 4,000 EUR in MKD equivalent for a misdemeanour shall be imposed to the broadcaster, printed media and electronic media (internet portals) if:
    - the coverage of elections is not done in a fair, balanced and unbiased manner (Article 75, paragraph (1));
    - they do not provide equal conditions for access to the programs for all election campaign participants (Article 75, paragraph (2);
    - programs intended for juvenile audience are used for electoral media presentation (article 75, paragraph (3));
    - they finance or give donations to political parties in any way (Article 75, paragraph 4);
    - they act contrary to Article 75-f of this Code.
(2) A fine in the amount from 800 to 1,200 EUR in MKD equivalent shall be pronounced to the official who had approved the use of funds from the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia or the budgets of municipalities and the City of Skopje, for paid political advertising during the election campaign.
(3) A fine in the amount of 30% of the fine prescribed for the broadcaster, printed media and electronic media (internet portals) shall be pronounced to the responsible person in the broadcasting service, printed media and electronic media (internet portals) for the misdemeanour from paragraph (1) of this article.