Home > 1.3.2 Freedom of voters to express their wishes > HUNGARY - Act XXXVI of 2013 on Electoral Procedure
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Section 3

(1) For the purposes of this Act:

1 'Voter with a disability' shall mean a voter who has limited or no sensorial abilities (especially vision and hearing) or limited or no musculoskeletal abilities or mental capacity, or who has considerably limited communication abilities, and this places him or her at a lasting disadvantage when it comes to actively participating in public life;

2 'Relative' shall mean spouses, registered partners, domestic partners, lineal descendants and ancestors and their spouses and registered partners, adopted children, stepchildren, foster children, adoptive parents, step-parents, foster parents, siblings, as well as the lineal descendants and ancestors and siblings of spouses and registered partners and spouses and registered partners of siblings;

3 'Nominating organisation' shall mean,

a) with regard to the election of Members of Parliament, parties listed with final effect in the court register of non-governmental organizations when the election is called, as well as national minority self-governments;

b) with regard to the election of the Members of the European Parliament, parties listed with final effect in the court register of non-governmental organizations when the election is called;

c) with regard to the election of representatives and mayors of municipalities, parties and associations (except for trade unions) listed with final effect in the court register of non-governmental organizations when the election is called;

d) with regard to the election of representatives of national minority self-governments, national minority organizations listed with final effect in the court register of non-governmental organizations when the election is called,

if entered into the register of nominating organisations by the election commission.

4 'Representative' shall mean representatives, national minority spokesperson and mayors elected in elections;

5 'Address in Hungary' shall mean the address of a registered domicile in Hungary, or, in the case of persons with no registered domicile in Hungary or abroad, the address of a registered residence in Hungary;

6 'Foreign representation' shall mean the diplomatic and consular mission of Hungary operating abroad, set up based on a Government decision;

7 'Proxy' shall mean a person holding a power of attorney documented in a public document or a private document of full probative value;

8 'The minister' shall mean the minister responsible for regulating elections and referendums;

9 'Name' shall mean the person's married name and first name; for persons without a married name and when the mother's name is requested, the family name of birth and the first name;

10 ‘nationally available media services’ shall mean media services available for at least 50 percent of Hungary’s inhabitants;

11 'Mayor' shall mean a mayor or the Lord Mayor of the Capital city;

12 ‘Identity document issued by an authority’ shall mean a valid identity document, a passport or a driving licence, issued by a Hungarian authority;

13 'Settlement' shall mean a town, a city, a city that is the seat of a district, a city with county status or a district of the Capital city;

14 'Domicile of settlement rank' shall mean a domicile regarding which the register of citizens' personal data and addresses contains the note "without address" alongside the name of the settlement;

15 'Election bodies' shall mean election commissions and election offices.

(2) For the purposes of this Act

a) the rules for submitting in person shall apply to the submission of requests concerning registers or legal remedies documented in a public document or a private document of full probative value;

b) the rules for delivery by mail shall apply to the delivery by mail or by a person without holding a power of attorney of a copy in envelope of a request concerning registers or legal remedies.