Home > 2.1.3 Jurisdictions > MOLDOVA - Electoral Code
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Article 15

Representation in Electoral bodies and in Courts

(1) For the electoral campaign duration, electoral competitors may designate one representative with a consultative vote in the electoral bodies that registered them, as well as in each hierarchically inferior electoral bodies. Running in the elections political parties, other socio-political organisations and electoral blocs may also designate for the electoral campaign duration a representative with a consultative vote in the Central Electoral Commission as well. In compliance with the provisions of this paragraph, the designated representative may represent the interests of the electoral competitor in election-related disputes and in Courts.

(2) Representatives of electoral competitors shall be confirmed by relevant electoral bodies within 3 days. To be nominated as representative, the persons shall have the right to elect and be elected.

(3) The general rights and obligations of electoral competitors’ representatives are set by the Central Electoral Commission decision, as well as by the electoral competitors that have nominated them.