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Article 29

Duties of District Electoral Councils

The District Electoral Council shall perform the following duties:

a) supervises the enforcement of this Code and of other laws containing election-related provisions;

b) establishes Precinct Electoral Bureaus and supervises their activity; trains their members, raises public awareness on voting procedures and promotes the importance of voting;

c) disseminates the allotted financial funds among Precinct Electoral Bureaus;

d) reviews communications of local public authorities, managers of enterprises, institutions and  organisations related to elections organisation and holding;

e) ensures the supply of Precinct Electoral Bureaus with voters’ list and protocol forms, ballot papers etc.;

f) registers independent candidates and lists of candidates nominated by political parties and by other socio-political organisations, by electoral blocs, and makes public the information about them;

g) ensures public access to the candidates’ statements of income and property, publishes the reports on financing of electoral campaigns as per the provisions of this Code;

h) adopts decisions on detachment of the members of first-level electoral councils and Precinct Electoral Bureaus from their full-time job for the period of their work within these councils and bureaus, proposes the detachment of the members of the second-level electoral councils from full-time job;

i) tabulates the election results within the constituency and submits the corresponding documents to the Central Electoral Commission and ensures the publication of voting results in the local press;

j) collects information from the Precinct Electoral Bureaus about voters’ turnout, tabulates the preliminary elections results and submits them to the Central Electoral Commission;

k) considers the requests and complaints about decisions and actions taken by Precinct Electoral Bureaus, the actions/inactions of electoral competitors, as well as those related to financing of the independent  candidates in local elections and adopts executory decisions on them;

l) takes other actions related to the organisation and conduct of elections.